Review of Lowball

Lowball (1996)
In one word, avoid...
1 July 1999
'Lowball' is an arduously bad film, terribly (and quite irritatingly) directed by Demian Lichtenstein and with a horrendously poor and ill conceived script (again by Lichtenstein) this is a tough film to sit through and watch for all the wrong reasons.

Just the fact that it's obviously been made with an ultra low budget doesn't excuse the hideously bad editing, the atrocious sound mix (so bad that all the actors sound dubbed despite the fact that it's an American English language film!), shoddy camera work, achingly bad music score...Oh, and did I mention that this was one of the worst directed films in recent memory? Good, I'll keep mentioning it because it really is that bad.

The fact of the matter is that 'Lowball' has no saving graces whatsoever, and quite apart from being ten kinds of bad the script (if you can call it that without being sued for slander) makes no sense whatsoever, it truly is a convoluted piece of junk.

The performances, again if you can call them that, are risible at best, with even the usually dependable Peter Greene (from The Usual Suspects and Pulp Fiction among others) utterly terrible here. The rest of these so-called actors range from really, really bad to 'Oh my God, who hired these people?' bad, with only Amber Smith giving a (merely) passable performance.

As if to underline just how inept this film is the makers couldn't even manage to get their 'in order of appearance' cast list in the correct order, says it all really. One of those rare films that has no right to even exist in any sort of a sane world, this is truly painfully bad film making at it's worst. If you see this one in the video library run, don't walk away from it, you'll be better off in the long run, trust me.

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