Review of NightMan

NightMan (1997–1999)
Two comments
10 November 2003
1) To Dave from Puerto Rico: The Nightman was, hands down, the BEST character Malibu comics created before Marvel ruined the series and the company.

2) This movie takes a wonderful street-level character, gives him gadgets he never had in the comics, and turns him into, as one other reviewer put it, a Batman Wannabe. This show is PATHETIC! I started watching it and figured, "Okay. They made some changes. I guess that's to be expected. But I'll give it a chance." Which I did. Right up until the anti-gravity belt came into use. That's when I changed channels. The most high tech gadget The Nightman ever used in the comics was his taser (one of the few things Marvel did right when they had him build tasers into his gloves to free up his hands). No flying belt - he got around on a motor cycle. No laser eye - the larger lens was to enhance his night vision. For those who say this show is perfect of there's ABSOLUTELY nothing else on - wrong. If there's nothing better on, that means the cable is out. I'll go watch paint dry, thank you very much.
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