"Typical" Vilsmaier
3 March 2001
Joseph Vilsmaier is Germany's Steven Spielberg. He is the routinier. He can make a film about anything, and you won't notice that it's his movie. Still, everybody knows Vilsmaier because there are only few movies he made and all of them were made a lot of fuss about because they were supposed to be great epic tomes that costed a lot of money. This movie about the famous a-cappella-band Comedian Harmonists is just the same. It's long and it tells a true story; nothing special.

Vilsmaier tried to combine six biographies, which could only go wrong. The musical scenes are the only pleasant change in this movie. But even they show that the money spent for the production was not invested in quality: we hear the original voices of the Comedian Harmonists through the mouthes of the actors – but we don't believe in a second that it's the actors who sing.
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