I Think I Do (1997)
Wow, This Changed my Life and Woke Something up in Me!
24 June 2000
Where to start, this alternative love story/comedy is FULL of ROMANCE! The subject matter is current and Timely. (My college days brought to life. Wish I'd have paid more attention when I was in college. Too bad I didn't open up more back then. :-( ).

The Cast Excellent!

The story of Brendan (Christian Maelen, a newcomer) and Bob, (Alexis Arquette) and new found love? There's plenty of interaction among a GREAT cast. Aunt Alice (Marni Nixon) adds a delightful push to help our main characters.

Great 70's / 90's soundtrack accenting the action. A really touching, romantic comedy, that transends the lifestyle thing. This cast makes it look so NATURAL and NORMAL for the characters. We loved this film, my friends and I were hesitant at first, but our gay friends told us to chill, get over the gay-phobia thing and enjoy it for what it is, a touching comedy full of love and amazingly, kept clean. Keep the kleenex box nearby though, you will need it. It is Excellent! As the poster says,"One Wedding, No Funeral" ( add- a lot of FUN). God, I think I'm in love.I (we) Agree.

Thanks Strand Releasing, the Producers, Mr. Sloan and CAST! Who wouldn't want to hug these guys and wish them well? Keep an eye on those delightful facial expressions, they're GREAT!
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