Review of Senior Week

Senior Week (1988)
4 October 1999
"Senior Week" is not as good as "Animal House", but it's still not worse than the millions of rip-offs that it spawned.

It's just...equal.

Okay, St. Gerard (all hair, no brains) is a loser student who has to get a term paper done so that he can graduate but he also HAS TO go to Ft. Lauderdale for a weekend of drink and debauchery. So he does what any right-thinking young man would do: he hops in a car with a fat slob and the school nerd and high-tails it to Florida and makes the nerd write his paper while he and the slob cruise the beaches.

Okay, you've probably seen this one before and you can probably see the jokes coming down Main Street with a bright red flasher blinking on them. There's rampant female nudity, lunk-headed guys and adults as bright as a cord of firewood, just like in all the rest of this film's ilk. So, what makes this one more worthy of a review than the others?

Well, mainly, the nerd gets a pretty cool girl for himself.

That's the only redeeming factor, but hey, nerds are people, too.

Two stars. One for the nerd and one for his girlfriend.
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