Why didn't this film get any Oscar nominations??
19 July 2002
'Return to Paradise' is one of the most underrated films of the last few years. It deserved at least three Oscar nominations. Best actress: Anne Heche, Best supporting actor: Joaquin Phoenix and best original score: Mark Mancina. Was it because this wasn't a big studio film that it was robbed of these nominations? After reading other reviews, other people feel the same way. Even some Golden Globe nods would have been warrented.

This film wasn't released at the theaters here in Australia and went straight onto video and I understand it was a flop in the states cause most people were busy paying money to see the regular trash that comes out of Hollywood. This is a shame cause I would have made the effort to see it a couple of times at the cinema.

Anne Heche (Psycho) gave such an amazing performance in the film (maybe the performance of her career), my heart was aching at the end for her and the rest of the cast including Vince Vaughn (Psycho), David Conrad (Men of Honor), Joaquin Phoenix (Gladiator) and Jada Pinket Smith (Scream 2) who you'll hate once the movie's over as she's pretty good as the bitchy/power hungry journalist are all so convincing in their roles.

Everyone should have a pretty good idea of what the plot involves but even if it isn't your cup of tea, the film is worth seeing for the performances which unfortunately have pretty much gone unrecognized. Check it out. Score: 9 out of 10
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