Review of Cube

Cube (1997)
Cube: 7/10
26 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm pretty tired of all these wanna-be horror movies that are out now. All of those movies are rated PG-13 and can't seem to scare anyone. But right at the verge of these so-called horror movies came Cube, a low-budget horror film with an original idea and a good idea of how to execute it. It could have gone belly-up, but it works for the most part and creates a suspenseful movie.

A group of seven people find themselves trapped in some sort of maze of cubes. They're all different colors and to make matters more interesting, some are booby trapped. They have no recollection of how they got there, nor do they have a clue how to get out. It becomes a battle of wits to stay sane and survive.

There's an overall sense of creepiness, doom, and claustrophobia that overshadows the whole movie, not to mention the paranoia that sinks into both the characters and you as you watch. You only know as much as the characters-you don't know how they got into the cubes, what they're for, or any of the typical exposition. And although most of the characters were annoying, it put you side by side with them, which helped a lot. If you get to be next to the characters, you can understand their actions more. However, you do (somewhat) find out what these cubes were made for, which kind of dampers the whole thing, but it's still very interesting to go through.

But when the climax comes about, the movie descends into hokey B-horror land, with a terrorized killer stalking most of the people. When the original exploration of the cubes subsides and you get the people walking around, also, the interest starts to wane. It's often repetitive, but the booby traps are quite, for lack of a better word, fun. But that doesn't mean that the original creativity has gone away, it's just not as interesting. But I really liked Cube, and if you see it, you will too.

My rating: 7/10

Rated R for some strong sci-fi violence/gore and language.
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