Review of Cube

Cube (1997)
One of the most original sci-fi films of the last decade
2 July 2000
If you were to think about what situation would terrify you the most, Cube would be the ultimate challenge. In a way, it is a predecessor to TV's "Survivor" in which the people each have a skill that can help them survive and possibly get them out. It all comes down to human emotions and confrontations that get in the way of progress. It's a talky film, but that's the point-- figuring situations and dealing with different personalities is inevitable to any group. The solving of problems becomes very complex, but the viewer doesn't have to worry...let the characters figure it out as we go along for the ride. While so many sci-fi films want to wow you with effects, this film does something more challenging--it makes you think. With its limited budget and digital effects in use even before Titanic glorified them, Cube still proves itself as one of the more original and intelligent sci-fi films of the last decade, with a cult status already going strong. It is truly a nail-biter.
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