Parting Shots (1998)
Chris Rea's finest moment
3 December 1999
Foremost in my mind when approaching Parting Shots was the fact that I had never seen a Michael Winner film before. Nope, not even Death Wish. I was aware of his reputation, though. Tory, tabloid columnist, worst director ever, restaurant critic (most pointless occupation ever). Bearing all this in mind, I was confidently expecting to begin this review with the words, "Michael Winner must die."

But... no can do. It's not that Parting Shots is any good - it's certainly pretty weak stuff, by any standards. It's just that it's nowhere near as unwatchably awful as so many have insisted. I've seen any number of films this year alone that are far worse than this, and the film's dated, 70's cheesiness has a certain naive appeal. Besides, any director who can get John Cleese, Bob Hoskins, Joanna Lumley, Oliver Reed and Diana Rigg, to name but a few, to appear in material of this (sub)standard must have something going for him, surely?

Parting Shots isn't the worst film ever. It's not even the worst film ever to star Bob Hoskins. It's just an utterly harmless instance of a bunch of ageing luvvies getting together, having a few laughs, and making a little film to show the grandkids. Not a menace, just an irrelevance, so ignore it and it'll soon go away.
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