One of the best Euro SF Films finally restored for U.S. Audiences
22 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Most Americans know this film (if they know it at all) as VOYAGE TO THE END OF THE UNIVERSE. According to most sources, the film was chopped & re-dubbed from its original 81 minute length (the original Variety review pegs it at 90 minutes) to approximately 64 minutes for its limited theatrical run by American International Pictures. Curiously, I have an old VHS tape off of TV that runs about 78 minutes.

The odd thing is that the cuts that were made (apparently there were both Theatrical and TV Versions prepared), are actually LESS important to the ADDITIONAL footage that was added. And, that Additional Footage runs about 5 seconds! How could 5 seconds be more important that the 5 to 20 minutes that were cut out?? More on that below (with SPOILER ALERT to come).

IKARIE XB 1 (the Czech cut) is on display as part of a traveling series of Czech films and hopefully will show up on DVD soon in a definitive version. Unquestionably, IKARIE is one of the best SF films to come from outside the USA. Well mounted production values, solid acting and an intelligent storyline. The film has many parallels to such Productions as 2001, SOLARIS, the German TV series SPACE PATROL, PLANET OF THE APES and many others. What's particularly intriguing is that the film doesn't condescend to its audience. Some of the most fascinating aspects of the script are more implied than detailed (this may cause some to be confused or distracted - Why, for instance, does the crew not know of the previous mission they come up close to the target 'White Planet'(NOT the 'Green Planet' as it's US version calls it)?).

A true find. Hopefully, a restoration would allow the film to take its rightful place in the SF Film canon.

+++++++++++++SPOILERS BELOW++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Most of the cuts made in the TV version of IKARIE are fairly minor (most just made to speed things up). But, it's that 5 seconds of new footage that makes for an entirely different viewing experience. For, the US version changes THE ENTIRE MEANING OF THE MOVIE! When the Space Travelers finally reach the "Green Planet" it appears that they have either never left, gone thru a time warp (a la PLANET OF THE APES) or gone around in circles - NONE of these endings was inferred by the original film at all! Shockingly, when I've talked to people who've seen the US Version or read about it in Film Reference books, their view of the whole film is not only tainted by these 5 seconds, but actually results in their dismissal of the film's quality. Most huff that "it's got this lame and OBVIOUS ending" - And, sadly, they are referring to an ending that is neither lame nor was "obvious" -- for it was never meant to be by the filmmakers! Tragic, shocking and sad. People read the film from the ending backwards and dismiss all that came from before due to its "trick ending".

Again, I hope the film, and its purposefully ambiguous ending will out.
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