Very cool show, unhappy that it was cancelled
15 March 2000
Extreme Ghostbusters was (and still is, although no new shows have been made) my absolute FAVORITE cartoon of all time. the characters were like real people, the animation was superb, and the actors were the best (Jason Marsden{Garrett Miller} went on to Disney films), and it teaches that people who may be considered not right for this job, can do it. I say this because in this show, the Ghostbusters are a black man who is a serious scholar, a Spanish man who is considered a slacker, a man who uses a wheelchair, and a woman, all teens. I wish Extreme Ghostbusters was still on air, as I think it would be a really good show for children now to see the Ghostbusters. They don't know about the movies in the 1980's, nor the cartoons that were out. If it was continued, it would be a hit. Extreme Ghostbusters is one of the best animated series of 1997, and it would be really nice if there was a film made, whether animated or live action. I, like many others, am sorry it was cancelled, but I highly recommend the series to anyone who sees it on video in stores.
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