Review of Vampires

Vampires (1998)
I can't believe I went to the theatre for this junk...
24 March 1999
What can I say? I went to the theatre expecting a bad vampire movie and I got it. First of all, I'm not partial to vampire hunters...the only great one has passed on (Roddy McDowall...aka Peter Vincent from "Fright Night") and all the rest are glorified religious nutcases who think that their way is the only way. So, I knew I was going to hate most of the characters.

Okay, there are two I really liked. The main "Master" vampire, Valek (of course) except that his character falls short of being able to truly like him. We didn't get the chance to get to know who or what he was and what made him the way (personality-wise) he was. All you know is that he was condemned by the Church (who wasn't back then?) and then turned into a vampire. Ooh...big deal. The second person I liked was Sheryl Lee. Her character is the only mature character in the whole thing and the only one with any sense...

As for Mr. Woods' character Jack Crow...I have never seen a character I've hated so much since watching that other travesty of a vampire movie "From Dusk Till Dawn" and having to put up with Quentin Tarrentino until he is thankfully killed. Jack Crow is a leather-wearing cool-guy wannabe who acts tough, talks tough and gets off to beating up a defenseless priest. Then if that's not enough, he proves how much a jerk he is by spending a good portion of the film asking the question over and over that proves he's way too obsessed by that lower part of his anatomy better left alone. His character is immature and irritating, and had I been any part of his "team," I would have staked him out over an ant bed covered in honey and left the vampires to their business!

I guess I could sort of like the younger least by the end. He's one of the few that truly believes what he preaches. He stands up for himself finally and does it without resorting to the bullying tactics shown by Jack Crow and only at the end does he try to be like the afore mentioned Crow in showing a beginning in that anatomy obsession. Daniel Baldwin disgusted me until he was bitten and beginning to fall in love with Sheryl Lee's character. Only then did he begin to show some compassion instead of mindless bravado and a macho attitude that wouldn't quit. Thankfully, it did quit.

I think the best part of the movie was the scenic shots of New Mexico. Having lived in Santa Fe for a year and missing it immensely, that was about the only hope the movie had in winning me over. I liked the shot of the St. Francis Cathedral, brief as it was, and I liked the mural across from the pay-phone Jack Crow was using. The other thing I recognized was the quick shot of Camel Rock. But that was it, and I have to say that I should have just walked out of the theatre after those scenes were over. Now I think I'll just look at the old pictures from my stay in Santa Fe...rather than even bothering to rent that pathetic excuse for a movie.
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