Pleasantville (1998)
give it a little time
29 August 2000
At one point in the film, a housewife will slip into her bath and pleasure herself, and her whole world is changed for the better. Like a lot of viewers, this scene made me want to stop the movie. But if you were not like me, and did stop watching the film here, I plead with you to continue. Just give it a little more time and you will be surprised. This is a brilliant film, existential (like so many films recently: The Matrix, The Truman Show, Dark City), and . . . well, pleasant. Some of the best use of cinematography, and most certainly colour, that has ever been conceived of will be found here. But that's all technical. The film is at heart a morality play. "You can't stop something that's inside you." As frightening as this quotation is to ponder, it is true. Everyone will see the "Paradise Lost" allusions, but the movie isn't saying paradise was bad. Just this paradise, that of idealism, of sitcom situations (redundant, I know, but for a purpose), that's hell. Life is about exploration, metaphorically as well as physically. Sure, some exploration will scar you, but you will be the better for it in the end. That is the film. Please, give the film a chance. It's absolutely pleasant, but this time, it's honest as well.
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