well-meaning, but truly awful *vanity project*. . .
18 July 2000
I know Ben Stiller was trying to do the right thing here - his performance shows it. He plays a great junkie, and it's very convincing.

UNFORTUNATELY, the rest of the film is PURE garbage. Period. Maria Bello is a fine actress - but her part is ALL WRONG. Allow me to wonder out loud - ANYONE READ THE G**DAMN BOOK? Jerry Stahl led a pitiful existence - both as a junkie and a TV writer (the joke is, of course, which is worse?)- but his book was totally BUTCHERED.

Which, going back to Stiller, is a shame; Ben put a lot into the acting - but who was asleep at the wheel on the REST of the production? Stiller meant well by getting the project off the ground, but it's a TERRIBLE shame that the book will have to battle and outlive this pile of rubbish.
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