It took a second viewing
14 June 2002
I saw this when it first came out, in a theatre, and came away

disappointed. I just saw it again on HBO and, to my surprise, I

enjoyed it!

What I noticed this time was the fantasy. More exactly, just how

much of it was fantasy. Hint: think blue. Blue, blue, blue, Nicole

recounting the sailor fantasy in front of a blue window, the blue

windows when the night's adventures begin with a surprise kiss,

right down to Rade wearing blue clothes in the costume shop

when he offered up his daughter as a sexual toy and the blue

gates to the orgy that never actually happened.

I have to admit it, Kubrik was both cleverer and baser than I could

imagine at the time. This is no more - but also no less - about a

man trying to figure out the role of sex in his life.

Upon further reflection, this film is recommended.
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