Review of The Commissioner

A Definite Watch
18 January 1999
This film makes a change in that it is about The European Community instead of one particular political party or country. An embittered out-of-favour British politician (played by John Hurt) is banished to Brussels, as Britain's European Commissioner for Industry, which he believes, will be terribly dull. But then after a tip off about criminal activities by an employee of a top European chemical company, who tells the commissioner that they are also manufacturing nerve and biological warfare agents. From there all the intrigue and double crossing of both friends and enemies starts and does not stop even at the end of this political thriller. This is the best part I have seen John Hurt play for a very long time and as the commissioner he is very convincing. The films only problems are it is a bit drawn out and it is one of those films that leaves you guessing at the end as to what really happened. Will there be a sequel to put our minds at rest? My recommendation is well worth watching and out of 10 I would give it 7.

( JNW ) John N. Wainwright.
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