A Diane du Pothers bio?
31 October 2000
This is supposed to be the true story of the Cinderella myth, of a young girl who married the dauphin. I supposed that this is inspirited in the Diane (Danielle?) du Pothers life, a cult dame who became the mistress (not the wife who was the famous Catherine of Medicis) of Henri II the Valois, who rule the country with him until his death in 1558. The movies recreates very well the Renacimiento ages, that includes one of the most prominent figures Leonardo Da Vinci. But there is too much boring dialogue, Danielle looks too much strong and the historical failures are evident.(for example the Spanish dynasty was a German family so they were thin and blond, not like Cuban refugees, or Thomas More wrote Utopia only five years before Da Vinci Disease, so how Danielle could read that book when she was a child, Queen Mary was Charles the V sister, and was the step mother not the mother of the dauphin, also I can not remember if France have lands in America at that time etc). I prefer one hounded more time Disney magical and charming movie, thing that here does not appear. However the cast was good. The best performance was made by Angelica Houston, a very versatile actress who needs more important roles. There is also good Dougray Scott as the prince, and in her little moments Melanie Lynskey (the perfidy girl of Heavenly Creatures). Even I still think that Kate Winslet was the best option for the role, Drew Barrymore looks beautiful, and her performance is not bad, more than that she convinced as the goody heroine, this movie is a kind of lucrative Hollywood redemption to an ex bad girl. I give to this boring movie a three for their performances and the age reconstrution..
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