Silly, harmless, offbeat film.
30 April 2002
I am quite amused that Australians have some sort of issue with how "this portrays them," which makes no sense to me whatsoever. You don't hear Americans complaining when a film like Deliverance is made. Give the rest of the world some credit. Its as if every export must be somehow ennobling to the country of origin. This is ridiculous. I suppose a case could be made for this insofar as apparently Australian tax dollars went to support this film (why any country, which no doubt has problems with poverty and so forth as all countries do, would spend precious tax dollars on movies, is another issue altogether). But come on folks. Its not as if every Australian is some kind of brilliant, witty intellectual any more than that is true of any other country. I wonder if people whined about the portrayal of rural Scots when The Wicker Man was released. Having the idea that somehow characters in film must be idealized ethnic, racial, or national archetypes dooms any movie to being insufferably boring. No doubt Australia, just like the United States, has its own home-grown version of rednecks. And if not, so what. Does anyone really think that this is going to set some expectations of what Australians are like abroad?

Welcome to Woop Woop is not a brilliant film, but I found it entertaining and offbeat enough. From the beginning it is clear that the film doesn't take itself very seriously. I enjoyed the performances in this film, and the ending with the giant kangaroo actually made me chuckle a bit because I never thought they would attempt to use something that silly. I guess some people who were for some reason desiring realism or plausibility in this farce, were upset by this. I, on the other hand, applaud the use of nonsense like this. Were the rest of the film some kind of serious drama, this would have been idiotic, but given the film's tone, I thought it was an appropriate device.

There's a time for serious fare and a time for silly movies, and this one is extremely silly, but good-naturedly so. It is beyond my comprehension how someone could get angry over something so harmless.
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