Review of Turbulence

Turbulence (1997)
The Worst Aviation Movie. Period.
16 March 2003
Disgusting. That sums up the train-wreck-in-the-sky entitled "Turbulence". The DVD should come with its' own air-sick bag, because you'll be nauseaous from the time it lifts off the runway.

A thin story is anchored even more by horrible, and I mean horrible acting from both Ray Liotta and Lauren Holly. This is yet another Ray Liotta psychopath flick. When is he not type-cast as a thug or maniac? Very predictable lines from him. Lauren Holly looked like a genius - in Dumb and Dumber. "Turbulence" highlights the lowest point in her acting career. From horrible make-up, to times in the movie where she goes from calm (when she shouldn't be) to a screaming mess defending herself from Liotta's killer habits.

Luckily, a friend lent me this DVD, so I didn't actually waste any money on it, but I did waste an hour and 37 minutes.

This is no Airport '75 - not by a long shot.
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