Tiré à part (1996)
Absorbing but clinical
27 April 2004
Terrence Stamp - one of those very good actors who frequently and inexplicably appears in rotten movies - is terrific in this rather odd film about rape, suicide, love, revenge and literary forgery. I'm not going to go into great detail about the storyline, because in my view the person who wrote the current front-page review did as good a job as I could do. Suffice to say that for a thriller about aforementioned topics, this is a curiously dispassionate film - mostly because of Stamp's often almost emotionless performance as the vengeful ex-lover. Clearly there is a smouldering fury below the surface, but Stamp keeps it so screwed down that he seems more like a secret agent dispassionately doing his job. An odd effect, but not off-putting.

There is nothing remarkable about the other performances or the production. For a European film it plays more like an episode of Inspector Morse, minus any excess of emotion, except the increasingly desperate histrionics of Stamp's 'victim', which play off well against Stamp's stoic performance.

6.5 out of 10. Certainly worth a look, though don't expect it to change your life.
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