Spice World (1997)
The movie you love to hate. So quit hating!
17 November 2003
This movie is not nearly as bad as people would have you think. Instead, it's a victim of the huge Spice Girls backlash of the late 1990s, when the market was saturated with Spice Girls this and that.

Basically, a copycat of "A Hard Days Night" with the Beatles, the movie does what it was intended to do: appeal to 11 year old girls. Other people, particularly adults, who so violently HATE this are a little disturbed, in my opinion. It's not supposed to be shakespeare and the girls never claimed to be Lawrence Olivier. It's silly, dumb and sugary sweet, and there's nothing wrong with that at all.

When I was in college, this was the weekly free movie (we got to see one movie of their choosing a week for free if we showed our student ID at the door). People hooted and hollered and derided it to no end, but secretly I'm sure they all liked it on some level, just like I did. See, it's not COOL to like the Spice Girls.

A harmless family movie that you can rent and enjoy with your young daughters, without worrying about foul language, violence and sexual innuendo.
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