Review of Soldier

Soldier (I) (1998)
Underated Gem
24 February 2000
It's odd. Surfing the net, I find almost nothing but bad reviews for this film, despite being one of the best Sci-Fi films to be released by Warner Bros. in the last couple of years. It features an award-caliber performance from Kurt Russell (himself an underrated actor,)a smart script and stylish direction. Yet people insist it's a pile of cow pat. This character-driven movie is certainly better than, say, "The Matrix," which suffered from plot and logic holes, and had one of the worst endings ever. Although, admittedly, "Matrix" was meant to be a "Dumb" film, while "Soldier" is smarter than you think. The script never flinches, never compromises it's purpose or characters, and director Anderson (of "Event Horizon," the best horror-in-space movie since "Alien") shows sci-fi works better as a setting than a genre. And as for Russell, he shows more emotion and character in his performance than most Oscar winners, being extremely sympathetic even when doing unsympathetic things.

So I say ignore the gup about this being a bad movie. If you are a real sci-fi film lover, throw out "The Matrix" and get "Soldier" instead.
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