Review of Prometheus

Prometheus (1998)
I consider this to be the best film I have ever seen.
19 August 1999
Of all the films I have seen, this must be the most intelligent and thoughtful. Many films deal with philosophical issues through characterization, plot etc, but this film takes them on directly, and the philosophy becomes the main theme rather than something that is explored as in a conventional (good) film). This is an extremely abstract film, open to a lot of different interpretations. However, if you are prepared to sit through the unconventional movie you have ever seen, and are of a cynical nature, you will love this film. It is a modern interpretation of the classical legend of prometheus, who stole fire from the gods, and is the most bitter and cutting attack on the free market economy you are likely to find. A group of unemployed steel workers are transformed into a 40 foot golden statue of prometheus, which is driven across Europe, through Auschwitz, industrial Eastern Europe, and finally to Greece. Hermes narrates. The film is so good, you wonder if the ending will let it down, but it is more inspired than you could imagine. For film fans (serious ones), those with an interest in classics and disillusioned intellectuals, this film is to die for. Everybody, attempt to see this. It is a masterpiece.
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