Parasite Eve (1997)
Better than expected
12 September 2001
This is a movie that recently received a release on DVD from ADV Films. The DVD is letterboxed and very high quality, offering subtitling on the original soundtrack. This was originally a made-for-television movie in Japan. It is now getting its US release.

The movie is actually very impressive, especially from a biological standpoint. Many terms and concepts within the storyline are actually workable, at least early in the film. This may seem like a minor point, but after watching numerous films that don't bother to do any research about the subject manner, it was nice to see someone pay attention to some technical details. Now, again, this is only for the first half of the film as the second half delves into some fairly weird biological twists.

If you are looking for a monster movie, this is not it. If you want martial arts, or a bullet-ballet, this isn't that kind of movie. However, if you are interested in seeing a film that has better-than-average acting, a decent, albeit strange, relationship, and a good sci-fi storyline, this one will entertain. The best science fiction has always been based upon concepts that originate from science fact. This script, taken from the novel by Hideaki Sena, understands that idea.

I have never read the novel, nor have I played the video games based upon it, so I cannot say how well they all relate. I have read that the video games are actually sequels to the novel, and that some fans of the video games expecting a similar product in this movie have been disappointed. It has been suggested that the movie's large amount of dialogue plays havoc with those who have a short attention span, but to make the movie a hack-and-slash flick would have been a big mistake.
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