Operation Delta Force (1997 TV Movie)
For Fun See A No-Brainer!!
22 March 2002
When I first saw this on video I thought what a pile of poo but why the hell did I enjoy it??

The thing is when a film is called "Operation Delta Force" you don't go into it thinking that you are going to see the finest display of realistic military action film making. You go for a fun 90 minutes where you can leave the world outside your living room.

Obviously when the film came out there was a shortage of bad guys so who better than the local population of where the film was shot - Bad South Africans! At least this explains the accents of supporting cast, unlike other worthier fare that lensed in SA (eg: Bravo Two Zero)

In fact I loved hearing Africaans in a film as it really lends itself to villains. I never was a fan of Jeff Fahey and at least he doesn't detract from this film but I never wondered why Joe Lara didn't get a chance to do at least one good film. Okay apart from the rubbish Seagal ponytail he has a good look and I guess... Oh who cares man this film is fun - why am I analysing a film that is formed around a B-Movie Special Forces formula (see my review of Operation Delta Force IV: Deep Fault)

I love this film for all it's B-list cast and terrible continuity - for it's absurd action scenes (anyone that doesn't realise that a film where a group of men run at a concrete machine-gun emplacement and don't die but actually destroy it, isn't to be taken seriously is lacking a fun gland).

See it when you've had a hard day doing something important - my dad and I did and we loved it - A Proper B-Movie!!!.
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