A slow, unrecognizable adaption of a wonderful book
12 May 1999
Like many other fans of the novel, I decided to see 'Midnight' despite the unflattering reviews. After all, I reasoned, Kevin Spacey is a wonderful actor, and even a bad adaption of a wonderful novel might be tolerable. HOW BAD COULD IT BE??

I was wrong.

Regardless of whether you're a fan of the book or a 'newcomer', this movie is sure to disappoint. The novel, which consists of a number of hilarious character sketches followed by a short mystery, has been mangled into a remarkably mundane mystery plot. The screenwriter also threw in a romantic subplot, presumably because the filmgoing public demands it (or perhaps because the director's daughter needed a role?). Finally, Savannah's grace, charm, and quirkiness--conveyed so well in the book--has completely eluded the moviemakers.

Oh, and the movie is 2 hours too long.

The only saving grace of this movie is watching the charismatic Lady Chablis, played by herself. Still, it's much more fun to read about her, so save yourself the misery and grab the book.
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