What a bad movie. Disturbing too.
1 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
-Warning- ***May contain spoilers***(as if anyone cares)

Ok. What to say about this movie? I have watched through it a few times, and I just can't figure it out. I took it upon myself to do some research on the background of this movie. Literally, I kept thinking about how bad it was all the time. It was haunting my dreams. With some minimal digging, I found some very disturbing info on the movie. We'll get to that later. Let's look at all the things wrong with Kickboxing Academy.

First and foremost, the actors. In many instances, the actors can make or break the movie, and in this case, they broke it. If nothing about the movie were different except the quality of the acting, it could've been somewhat watchable, save the horrible editing conflicts and poor plot. By far the worst actor in the movie is the gimp who played Stan. What were they thinking? I think they selected the actors in the following manner: they walked around on the streets of Miami, found random people, and asked, "Hey, wanna be in a movie? There's free food in it for you!"

Let's look at the editing. I'm referring particularly to the scene at the end where Tarbeck's holding an M-4 assault rifle. It cuts to a scene of him from behind and he's holding a TEC-9!!! To make matters worse, it cuts again to a view of Tarbeck from the front, again holding the M-4. For the non-gun nuts out there, the M-4 is an assault rifle, and the TEC-9 is a submachine pistol. Two very different guns...

The fighting.... The scenes are badly choreographed, not to mention the movie has nothing to do with kickboxing. All of the fighting is basic Japanese karate, and for some reason Korean posters are pasted all around the academy. What the director forgot is that KICKBOXING IS FROM THAILAND! You would think that someone on the set would bring this up.

There are also numerous plot conflicts. In one part, Brian gets his brake hoses cut. The police would be all over that in a minute, yet Brian's car is wrecked and no one asks anyone follow up questions.

I dug up some dirt on the actors and the director. Apparently, the director, Richard Gabai, has directed his fair share of adult films. If that's not wierd enough for you, the two main actors in the movie, Christopher Lee and Chyler Leigh are brother and sister. This is quite odd since they are involved romantically. I could be wrong, but they really kissed multiple times. That's just disgusting.

There are only a few redeeming qualities of the movie: 1. Richard Gabai calling Stan a "fat dip." 2. It's so bad, it's hilarious. 3. Chyler Leigh isn't all that bad looking and she's probably the best actress in the movie. 4. The awesome Ford Galaxie

All in all, I recommend this very forgettable movie if you have 88 minutes to waste. Don't buy it unless you first watch it on cable, because you either like this movie because it's so revolting, or you think it's the worst piece of garbage and don't want to waste one more minute than necessary on it.
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