Joyride (1997)
The Opening Scene....
17 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't going to comment on this movie, but something has been bothering me about this since I watched it a few weeks ago. First off, let me state that I rented this because I wanted to see Adam West, who I always have liked and think should be in more big movies. The only people who were any good in this movie were West and Wilson Cruz (and maybe James Karen, but that short scene is hard to judge). Everyone else was just awful, particularly Tobey Maguire and Benicio Del Toro. Maguire is always smug and annoying. He's certainly one of the stupidest protagonists I have ever seen. Del Toro is really lazy here, mumbling his lines and giving nothing to his part. Hard to believe this is the same guy I saw in `Traffic' last year. And Quinton Peeples doesn't help much when it comes to his writing. Some of his directing is nice, but it can't cover up the weakness of his pen.

All that said, let me get to what is bothering me: the opening scene. There is a short scene where we see Maguire and Amy Hathaway helping a dazed and confused Adam West to his feet. I assumed this was a foreshadowing of a final scene. Yet this is not exactly what happens in the film's real end. SPOILER ALERT. Instead, West is arrested by Del Toro. This scene really seems tacked on because the man getting into the police car isn't really West, but some stunt double and we hear West's voice muttering how he is innocent. Peeples must have rewritten something, either by his own accord or by order of a producer or executive, yet he left in the opening scene which does not fit in with the rewrite. END OF SPOILER ALERT Anyway, that was really troubling me. If you watch it, check out the opening scene and try to make sense out of it in conjunction with the rest of the film. I sure can't figure it out. Zantara's score: 4 out of 10. Thanks, Adam, for trying and making this a little better than what it would have otherwise been.
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