Heart Full of Rain (1997 TV Movie)
Rainy day, three-hanky movie
5 July 2002
The story of a Nebraska family whose eldest son returns after six years to discover his mother is sick, his father has sold off part of the family farm and his old girlfriend now has a child. This tearjerker has more pathos than any four movies, but has an able cast that is somehow able to carry it off.

Richard Crenna and Carroll Baker play a farm couple that have been married for forty years and have lived on the same small farm for that entire time. Both actors have over forty years experience in their craft and are entirely believable throughout.

Rick Schroder and Gabriel Mann play their sons and both of these capable young men do a great job of keeping up with their elders.

This is not the perfect movie. The storyline is not original and all of it's many elements have been used before but the pieces are fit together here to tell an effective story. Overall this is the perfect movie for that rainy day when you are feeling sorry for yourself and want a good three-hanky movie.
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