Review of Didier

Didier (1997)
9 December 1999
This movie comes after a succession of french comedies in which you don't laugh at the characters, rather with the characters. Such comedies as Les Trois Frères were a bit irritating in that sense. Alain Chabat, a former "kind of" French Saturday Night Live host, has to have intended to butt in that wave. The result is a genuine show of force. His on-screen duo with France's best screenwriter Jean-Pierre Bacri (On Connaît La Chanson, Un Air De Famille) is a real treat. Alain Chabat really is a dog, and has always been. Bacri really is a master, and always will be. The rendering is amazing, the cinematography is a pleasant surprise. Chabat himself still doesn't undertand today that he directed a masterpiece, as proof his TV appearance with Fabrice Lucchini, where the latter paid tribute to the movie as one of the best comedies of all time, while Chabat was thinking he was being mocked.
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