Review of Clockwatchers

Clockwatchers (1997)
the movie made the audience relate with the characters in the movie: the feeling of utter boringness
30 June 1999
I really want to know if the director purposely made the movie so boring and tried to make viewers so agitated, just so we would know how the characters in the movie felt. I must give the director some respect for taking chances on making a movie that is soooo dull, but ending with a good statement. The truth is, although I liked the plot, I don't know if I really like the foundation it was put on. If I had to change the movie to make it better, I'd change the whole movie. The main reason why I went and saw this movie, was because critics and the movie trailors were calling this a "mystery." Calling this movie a mystery is parallel to wondering what is in school food. So I went and saw it thinking there would be a twist in the end, like "The Game." Ummm. . . well there was a minor twist in the end, but a very disappointing one. First of all, this movie was very long-winded. The movie should've been more faster pace. I think the only thing that saved this movie, was that there was a good point made in the end. Kudrow gave some laughs, Posey had some moments, and the comic relief, or you could say, the "pause or boring relief" from the mailboy (the guy who played the virgin from Scream).
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