A letter to Stephen Dorff.
20 December 1999
Dear Stephen,

Please don't let yourself become type-cast as a villain! Remember "Backbeat" and "The Power of One"? You have a great range as an actor. Okay "Blade" was fun - but this guy? A caricature villain in a "realistic" film just doesn't work. Of course it's not entirely your fault - there's that lousy script and the slowly paced pretentious direction. I think the director felt he was directing something much more meaningful than this shoot-em-up revenge nonsense. And at times he did display a neat visual style that may have worked with a better screenplay. Okay Stephen, so you did it for the chance to work with Harvey. Who wouldn't? But he deserves better than this too. Mind you he plays the part with the tragic weight of Hamlet - and he almost makes it believable. But what was Timothy Hutton doing? He is a brilliant actor - but he is completely wasted (literally in the end!). Maybe he did it for Harvey too. So please Stephen choose more carefully next time - and remember you're a good good guy too.


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