Buffalo '66 (1998)
Buffalo chippy-chips
4 October 2003
Movie with a big reputation and critical acclaim (mostly). Ho hum. Just a barely average movie.

The positives first. Um, lets see here... 1. The music was pretty decent (Yes, King Crimson) 2. Christina looks nice, but only has two looks in this movie - "pout" and "gaze". 3. A few funny moments. 4. Somewhat interesting camerawork. Except for the boring parts.

Negatives... 1. Hopelessly unbelievable story. Christina's character "Leyla" (but going by Billy's imaginary only-previous-girlfriend's name "Wendy") had many chances early on to escape her loony kidnapper, but chose not to. We have no character development for her, so we don't know if she is emotionally unstable, rebellious against her family, etc. Actually, the fact that she ends up liking the unlikable grimy ex-con loser points to fact that she has no taste, or sense.

2. I can not emphasis enough how much of a loser the character of Billy is. He would not have survived 5 years in prison without getting his teeth knocked out and his nose broken because he was such a messed up ass. He needs some serious psychoanalysis ("Hold me a minute" - she does - "Don't touch me!" Give me a break. His fashion sense has to be seen to unbelieved. Although Billy seems to see the light at the end, I doubt he will make any lasting recovery. Bottom line - "Does not play well with others."

These 2 large negatives pretty much balance out the 4 positives. It is a professionally-made movie, and the participants seem to be trying, however.

Supporting cast of Mickey Roarke as a bookie, Jan-Michael Vincent as a washed-up alcoholic bowling-alley owner, and Ben Gazzara and Angelica Huston as his parents are decent.

Recommended for fans of Christina Ricci, or maybe residents of Buffalo. DVD has no extras. Scores generous 5 of 10.
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