Review of A Brother's Kiss

Over done
14 September 2003
"A Brother's Kiss" tells of two brothers who grow up in the mean streets of NYC and take opposite paths through life still bound by brotherly love through thick and thin. A strong performance by Chinlund (one of those where-have-I-seen-that-guy-before actors) is the glue which holds this overwrought freak show of cliche stereotypical characters together. The film serves up 20 minutes of the bro's as kids and then skips ahead to adult life where we see one as a cop and the other as a good intentioned loser with a habit. "...Kiss" sports a good cast and crew but doesn't live up to its potential because of a story we've all seen before and poor direction leading to overwrought drama. Every scene plays out like an excuse for exaggerated characters and over acting making this film a good example of that most common of all faults of the novice artist - not knowing when to quit. "Real" would have been better and less would have been more. (C-)
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