Assault on Devil's Island (1997 TV Movie)
low rent piece of rubbish - only remembering where you saw the cast before stops it getting boring
11 January 2002
When a team of Navy SEALS capture a major drug dealer, Fraker, his lieutenant takes a plane load of American gymnasts hostage for his return. With the Government happy to return Gallindo in order to save the photogenic hostages, the SEALS decide to take things into their own hands and attack the group and attempt to free the hostages.

This is a TVM and feels like it at every stage. The plot is clichéd - SEALS go against orders to take on military force and damn the politicians and the bureaucrats! The characters back this up - Mike is the hard man scared to let people get too close, Andy is the boss who is tied up by politics, Roy is the SEAL who is weeks away from retirement, Hunter Wiley is the feisty woman, Gallindo is the slimy drug dealer - I could go on. This is film making by numbers. The action scenes are OK but even then our heroes manage to never get hit but to take out the baddies with one shot every time - pure A-Team action.

Hulk Hogan gives one of his worst performances yet - at least in other films he appeared to be making fun of his personae - here he embraces it with a straight face. His gruff role is a joke. Shannon Tweed is good as the feisty female - at least she looks like she's having fun. The rest of the cast has plenty of "famous faces" - in fact most of the fun of the film was trying to work out where I'd seen them before, first there's Carl Weathers (Arnie's companion in Predator), Andy (from The Karate Kid movies and Cagney & Lacey), Creagan (Billy Blanks of Tae-Bo fame) and the one that bugged me right up till the end - drug dealer Gallindo - being played by Billy Drago who Kevin Costner threw off the roof in The Untouchables.

Outside of trying to place the actors there's not much else to enjoy. The story and the characters are clichéd, the action daft (our heroes swim past big groups of sharks without any problem - 10 minutes later a bad guy goes into the same water and is immediately attacked!). Avoid this low rent piece of rubbish.
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