Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
One of the best series ever...long ago.
19 August 2002
Here's the deal: If you haven't seen Buffy yet, wake up and see what everyone's raving about. You don't know what you're missing. It's terrific. One of the best shows ever. But as of this point, the new episodes simply suck.

My advice to you would be to ignore all Buffy episodes airing on UPN and stick to the old ones that still air on FX. You should even buy the DVD box sets, they are way worth it. But once they reach season six, if it gets released on DVD, don't waste your money.

Here's the lowdown on Buffy, the greatest show on TV for several years:

Season One - Nothing compared to what's to come on the show, but still enjoyable and all the favorite cast members are here and the gang is still battling high school, BIG plus. But you have to deal with some cheesy plotlines.

Season Two - This is the season the show really opens up, showing us what it can do. It breaks all those teen soap opera cliches with ease. Some really fantastic episodes are here, including the best finale the show has had. Really powerful episodes only offset by the weird monster-of-the-week episodes that range from fun to really stupid.

Season Three - Simply Buffy at her best. While none of these episodes are as powerful as the few gems in season two, this season has a higher quantity of good episodes to even it out, easily making this and season two the best seasons ever.

Season Four - Eh, not horrible, but nothing like the first three years. Angel and Cordelia are gone and the Scooby Gang is out of high school. This is a solid "okay" season that is quite disappointing and rather dull. No impact. But still watchable.

Season Five - An improvement on season four, but can't match the brilliant seasons two and three. This one might give season one a run for its money and its definitely better than four. Buffy's sister is introduced and this season's finale is the second best on the show. This is the last "real" Buffy season.

Season Six - What happened?! Simply horrible. Buffy is trying too hard to be an adult show, which is okay, but the fun is gone. No more wacky adventures, hardly any fighting, and full of nothingness. The stories are bad, like Willow addicted to magic and trying to destroy the world. These things are really showing their age by now. The worst Buffy season ever.

My advice? Stop watching at the conclusion of season five. You want a series finale? Let the one from season five be it. Don't let the show go on for you. Buffy ended its run on the WB, and it was the end of its golden age. This new UPN Buffy is a pale shadow of what the show once was. The whole series began to decline after season three, but at least four and five were respectable and in my opinion the WB let the series go out with a bang. Now it's slowly getting the life drained out of it. Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 1997-2001. FIVE seasons. Think of it like that.
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