What Love Sees (1996 TV Movie)
Inconsistent execution lets down a great story
29 July 1999
This is a guaranteed heart-warmer about the romance and marriage of two blind people in the early 20th century. The screenplay is an excellent vehicle for the story, but the character direction comes up short. The supporting characters are generally formula reactions to the circumstances, bringing nothing extra that makes us feel they are real people instead of merely actors in the lives of the young couple. Also, the reactions of the main couple themselves are often tempered for some reason I could not fathom.

Some scenes showed that the supporting cast are quite capable of the pathos and execution the script deserved; for some reason, the director chose not to insist upon excellence in every scene. Because of this, the occasional critical scene or line would fall short of its full potential, and the overall product suffered therefrom.

That stated, do take the time to see this once or twice. It's a worthy way to spend a couple of hours with the family.
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