5 July 2003
The previous person that commented on this film must have seen a different one than I had. I ran across this film during a fit of imsomnia on Cable. I watched it because I have always liked Jack Thompson.

This film is about love and friendship. And how they come together when a group of friends spend time together. You can see the plot that winds between the main couple and the friends as they spend some time on the beach. The mixture of love and friendship works in my humble opinion.

The Cinemantography is absolutely wonderful. The shots of the coast make you feel like you are there... and the beach house is a place I would love to spend some time at. Paul Murphy catches the light so beautifully as it grazes the water and the land.

If you have a love of a good romance, and want to see Jack Thompson be romantic, then see this movie... It might just have you under the lighthouse dancing....
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