Picasso is a daemon and no answers why.
24 January 2004
Even from the title 'Surviving Picasso' you can guess that this movie is about Picasso's personality. It's complex, impracticable, arrogant and so on and so fourth. But I watched this movie and couldn't understand why Picasso was like that? Actually, I felt that this movie is more about one of the Picasso's wives - how strong and brave she was. Picasso was shown as a real daemon, which controlled you, your feelings and emotions - you couldn't resist him, his will. But why was he doing it? Or how did he manipulate people? You won't find any answers here, in this movie. I was very disappointed: I wanted to know the real Picasso, what he was like, why he was like that. In this movie I could find only bits of information. I got much more interesting and intriguing information from a documentary on Discovery channel I saw latter.

I don't recommend you to watch this movie. It's not entertaining. It's not informative. It's not documentary. It's not fiction. Basically, it's misunderstanding. 4 out of 10
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