Review of Specimen

Specimen (1996)
please, just don't buy this movie!
16 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers

First of, I saw a poster for this movie on the net. It looked like a pretty good sci-fi movie, and my sort of thing. I got interested. Then I started reading up about it, the story line. Sounded awesome! But then I saw tons of reviews saying how bad it was, and I simply ignored them. But how wrong was I to do that!

I bought it from amazon and watched it recently, and its lame. Lets start of: the movie opens up quite good. the musical score and visuals, and the scenes of fire, showing how it all started. and how the kid (mark paul gosslers) mother died. It reminded me of "Alien 3" and "Terminator 2" and it looked quite tastefull and promising. a real gem.

It soon went totally down hill though! It dragged on allot to the point where it was irritating. and the special effects were laughable. I understand its hard to make a good sci-fi/action "B" grade movie, but this was pathetic. Especially when that dude called Eleven got shot, what was that, that came out of him!? It was red powder (very obviously!), yet it was ment to be blood. This movie was made on the cheap, even for a TV "B" movie. Eleven was just pathetic, and was just a Terminator rip of!

This movie is paperweight although it has its odd moment.

Watch it if its on TV, but don't buy it! I don't think it is suitable for any sci-fi fan and is a crap attempt at the genre. The only people I could imagine this garbage apealing to, is a Mark Paul Gossler fan. And I'm certainly not one!

This movie was a waste of $25.
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