Riders of the Purple Sage (1996 TV Movie)
Good and Evil depends on ones point of view.
24 May 2004
Good and Evil depends on ones point of view. Who's side of the fence are you on and how do you fight that which you perceive as evil. Just as the person before me in his review stated, if you haven't read the book, you might want to, so that you will understand the obvious points that had to be left out of the movie. It really is important to make some understanding of the thought's that Zane Grey, one of the premiere western writers of the past. He was ahead of his time giving psychological reasoning for his character's as well as one of the best describers of surrounding beauty that the characters are enveloped in.

The evil men in this portrait of the depravity of men (even those of "religious' belief's) is portrayed vividly by the men of the Mormon church as they saw their duty. Greed set aside, this was about a belief as well. Right and wrong played out in a violent nature by violent men. Portrayed brilliantly by an outstanding cast.

Then comes Lassiter, who is violent in his own way and yet gentle and kind. He steps up to the plate and helps Jane Withersteen (played by Amy Madigan in one of her most impressive acting to date), while Lassiter (played in a hard as rock characterization by Ed Harris) still after those who caused his family member to commit suicide. I believe these characters played by this particular cast very brilliantly portrayed just as those envisioned by Zane Grey in his book "Riders of the Purple Sage".

The screen play is very well done by Gill Dennis from the book written by Zane Grey. Direction by Charles Haid proves he understands the west as well as how to get the best out of his actors and staff. If it was not a movie made for television, it would rank up there with the best like Eastwoods "The Unforgiven" and Costner's "Open Range" with each of those carrying "star power" and Rider's unsung actors.

Tough interpretation of a hard subject, still beyond it's time.
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