One of the worst chick flicks ever!
2 June 2004
Watch closely to the first 40 minutes. Chris McDonald (always portrayed as the nemesis of good people everywhere, and does a good job of it) is assumed to be a total jerk. Not so, he's got a cliché drinking problem, he's a workaholic, and is having an affair, reciprocated by his wife. And this makes him evil? Watch her closely! Little naive, working class GOLD-DIGGER! The best part of the those first 40 minutes is the waitress's reaction to her bs when she's "confiding" with the bad boy.

Who wrote this crap? It's like a romance novel with an IQ of 27, give or take 26.

Don't even bother unless you have some very, very delicate (don't hurt her feelings) axe (arse) to grind.

See ya.
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