Good story
15 March 2001
Right off the bat, let me confess, I know nothing about Garcia Lorca beyond the fact I had heard one of his stories being acted out on BBC radio... So, sitting down to watch this movie, I was prepared for anything, but essentially the worst. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised!

At the start of the Spanish Civil war in the 1930's, a famous poet and playwright, Garcia Lorca goes missing. The story takes up when a fan who was a child when he met Garcia Lorca, returns to find out at whose hand did the venerable poet die at.

You have to assume that the story is more or less completely fabricated - because no one knows what happened to Garcia Lorca. So, that said, the storyline was pleasantly paced leading up to the gripping twist at the end.

Strong performances were turned in by all the cast - in particular, Esai Morales (Ricardo - the grown up child wondering what happened to his hero), Andy Garcia (Garcia Lorca - albeit, I will admit that at times, Andy Garcia came across as a smooth talking mafia dude rather than a writer...) and Miguel Ferrer (Centano).

I enjoyed this film and recommend it to anyone who likes action-based drama's centred in history!
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