You think Life of Brian is funny?
8 May 2003
When I was growing up in the 80's, there were basically three camps of movies that were so incredibly funny that they were legendary among my peers and my generation. Those movies were the Monty Python films (Holy Grail, Life of Brian, Meaning of Life), the Mel Brooks classics (Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein), and the Airplane! movies. Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy is an awesome example of how funny a movie can be, and I hope that some day more people will see it that way and that it will achieve a cult status as a legend of great comedy. It did terribly at the box office, but that was just some unfortunate oversight. Brain Candy features uncanny wit, rollicking absurdity, hilarious zaniness, immaculately understated social commentary, and some of the best comic performances ever filmed (my personal favorite performances are Mark as Don Roritor and Scott Thompson as the clueless closeted gay guy). I believe that the particular kind of comedy in Brain Candy is not easy to enjoy during the first viewing, which is why you should watch it a few times. When the Kids' masterpiece starts sinking in to your head, you'll start getting a whole lot of laugh-returns on your investment.
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