A gleaming review. Woo hoo.
8 June 2001
Okay. Where to begin?

It's phenomenal. If you've ever watched a single Kids in the Hall episode and caught yourself stifling a guffaw for you feared laughing at an orgasming, androgynous chicken-lady(?) might classify you as a lunatic, go see Brain Candy.

If you haven't experienced that, go see it anyways.

I personally think it's the some of the best modern comedic writing there is out there. The troupe collated their ability to create off-the-wall scenes with a Monty-Python-esque flair of weaving the same actors into decidedly varying roles, and thus spawned a seriously non-serious satire of man's eternal search for happiness.

I saw this movie first in the theater, and the odd things is, I didn't laugh once during the entire showing. The true hilarity of the flic hit me several hours later as a friend and I mused its elusive intricacies in a coffee shop. We were nearly falling out of our chairs with just the simple mentioning of many of the scenes.

I made a point of seeing it again, and have never regretted adding it to my 'all time favourite' list.

Go see it.

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