a wonderful movie!
23 September 2004
i first saw this movie over 5 years ago when i was working at walt Disney world. after i first saw it i walked out of the theater in wonder... and the comments that i heard from others that saw it - they thought that it was just as good as i did!

coming from a background in Deaf education i can tell you that German sign language and asl are not the same. they are similar however... enough for me to know most of what was being said after watching the movie for a while.

i lived at a deaf school for a year and so to see the relationships between lara and her parents... well, let me tell you that was done quite nicely. and i just love the scene with tom and lara and the song 'i will survive'!! it made me laugh so hard!!!

for a while after i saw the movie i looked to buy it. i could not find it anywhere for quite some time. i finally found it available online and bought it on VHS. yes, there is a soundtrack, as i have that as well.
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