don't believe the bad reviews
30 May 2003
I still don't understand why this film generates such negative reviews. What is it people were expecting? Maybe people still don't get Brando. Brando doesn't "act," he just IS and he's never been one for memorizing lines; it's never been about the words he says anyway, so why shouldn't he have the lines taped to the table, to the foreheads of other actors, etc. It's all about how he gestures and becomes the part and maybe just says whatever comes into his head as the character anyway.

I will admit it took me two viewings before I got into the film myself, but I've seen it more than 10 times by now and it still holds up. It's beautifully photographed for one thing and the tension on the set between the actors -- especially Val Kilmer and Brando adds to the tension of the film itself. If for no other reason than to see the original "Minnie Me" in action, rent this and try to keep an open mind.
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