Double Feature!
4 March 2000
This film reminds me of the double features they had in cinemas of the 50s. The 'A' movie is a stylish heist/kidnapping movie, where two brothers on the run from the law highjack a camper van and order it's owners to take them across the border to Mexico. The script is so obviously by Tarintino, and he and Clooney have a great time looking cool while Keitel and his 'children' flex their acting muscles. When they arrive at a bar after avoiding the police, the 'B' movie begins. This involves about 45 minutes of chaotic gore, where vampires, bats and satanic rats terrorise the leads and any biker who has wandered into the 'Titty Twister.' But why?

I admit, that this twist is totally unexpected (if you don't read the box) but the vampire section is poorly done and seems to be there just to give the special effects guys a job. Limbs fly, blood gushes, but you spend the time wondering what the script writers were thinking when they wrote this. I look forward to a director's cut when the Gecko brothers finish their drinks and leave in the morning, relatively un-bitten.
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