Beautiful, sensual and Unforgettable!
20 April 2002
Anthony Minghella's faithful adaptation of Michael Ondaatje's Booker-prize winning novel is a film of epic proportions, catapulting the viewer into a world of turmoil circa. WWII. Although some of the plot details and characters have been cut, it still does not detract from the overall greatness of the film. The English Patient fell, and falls, victim to the criticism of those who believe that it is either ‘too sappy', ‘too long' or ‘all those Oscars mean it is just Hollywood trash being hawked to the public'. Well, it may be sappy, but it is beautiful also. And for those who argue it is too long (260mins) may just need to stop complaining. A film of this magnitude needs that amount of time to tell its story and to tell it well. And do it well it does! The script by Minghella is excellent, whilst the acting is sensational on the part of every actor credited. The cinematography adds to the romantic and beautiful feel of this film. A masterpiece indeed.
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