Review of Buried Secrets

Buried Secrets (1996 TV Movie)
You have got to be kidding!
6 August 1999
This movie was predictable. I knew from the first half hour of the movie who the murderer was. And it seemed like it was written by authors who didn't communicate with each other. First Johnny was saying that Mary killed her mother -- then he tells everyone Mary couldn't hurt anyone. Mary asks for Annalisse's help -- then she is attacking her for making out with Johnny and sends Annalisse to the hospital. One minute the ghost is a waifish, broken-hearted child -- the next she is a nutcase. Get real!

I like Tim Matheson, but he seemed almost embarrassed to be in this movie. And his New England accent had to be about the worst I've heard.

Definitely feels like I wasted my time watching it.
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